The pattern name of the currently viewed pattern is the title of the window. The small buttons on the bottom left of the window are the following: previous pattern, pattern list, following pattern, place bookmark, bookmark list. The first three are used to changed the displayed pattern. The last two are for creating and listing bookmarks.
To insert notes, click in the text box labeled “Note”. A note consists of the note letter (ie: ‘A’-‘G’); the modifier which can be a sharp (‘#’), a flat (‘-’), or a natural (‘ ’ [space]); and the octave (0-6). Every other block of four lines is colored yellow to mark off the individual beats.
See the Keys section to see which keyboard keys are supported. If you enter a ‘B#’ or a ‘C-’, MacMod Pro will automatically convert it to a ‘C ’ or ‘B ’ to simplify the display.
The spacing for each type of note under normal speed settings are:
1 space = sixteenth note
2 spaces = eighth note
4 spaces = quarter note
8 spaces = half note
16 spaces = whole note
Voices or lines can be hilited by clicking on their labels. For example, to hilite all of voice 1 you would click where ‘Voice 1’ is written in the window. Other portions of the music can be hilited by holding the mouse button down and dragging across the window.
To use the ‘Find’ item of the Options menu, you must choose what to search for (note, instrument, or effect). Then you must choose which note, instrument, or effect to search for. The format for entering a note is the note letter (A-G) followed by a #, -, or space followed by an octave number (0-6).